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How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 5). Putting it all together.

September 1st, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 5). Putting it all together.

Part 5 of our series on how we built a UI kit in Figma. This time, you’re finding out how we took everything we created and put it together into proper admin panels.
How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 4). Accordions, range sliders, and advanced Figma settings

June 7th, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 4). Accordions, range sliders, and advanced Figma settings

Part 4 of our series on how we built a UI kit in Figma. This time, you’re finding out how we created accordions, range sliders, date pickers, uploaders and text editors.
How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 3). Modals, cards, tables & more

February 28th, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 3). Modals, cards, tables & more

Part 3 of our series on how we built a UI kit in Figma. This time we`re looking at more complex items like modals, cards, pagination, tabs and tables.
How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 2). Buttons, alerts, tooltips & more

January 26th, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 2). Buttons, alerts, tooltips & more

Part 2 of our series on how we built a UI kit in Figma. This time, you’re finding out how we created buttons, alerts, tooltips, inputs, pagination and more.
How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 1). Colors, typography, shadows & layouts

January 18th, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 1). Colors, typography, shadows & layouts

In this article, we’re going into detail about how we set up colors, typography, layout grids, shadows, border radiuses and icons in our original UI kit in Figma.
How we built a UI Kit in Figma from scratch: The Intro

January 3rd, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma from scratch: The Intro

Intro to our series on how we built our own UI kit in Figma. Learn about how to set up colors, typography, how to create customizable buttons, inputs and other items.