YardMagic - Uber für Rasen

Eine Android-Marktplatz-App, die lokale Rasenpfleger mit Rasenflächen verbindet. Im Grunde genommen, Uber. Aber zum Rasenmähen.

Project story

YardMagic has a web app and also a mobile app for Android devices. The client registers on the site and fills in his personal and payment information. He then creates the lawn mowing job at his chosen location, attaches a few photos and chooses from the available configuration options, before stating how much he’s willing to pay.

The sum is then blocked by the bank – we have integrated payments with both credit card and PayPal through Braintree. The second type of user is the provider – either a guy looking for a quick buck or a company – who chooses a lawn mowing job from the map and claims it. After the job is done, he confirms it from the app and awaits client approval.

Technologies and architecture

We built this marketplace app using Laravel 5.2. Laravel Socialite was used for the Facebook and Google+ login and oAuth2 for the API authentification. The payments are integrated with Braintree SDK and PayPal SDK and Firebase Cloud Messaging was used for the push notifications. The front-end was built using HTML5, VueJS and Bootstrap

Main activities and responsibilities

Project planning and management, programming (front-end, back-end), testing, deployment.