Veiws für Content-Ersteller

Eine Abonnement-Plattform, die Content-Erstellern hilft, die Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung zu gewinnen, die sie verdienen.

Project story

Veiws allows content creators to earn a monthly income by providing exclusive content and behind-the-scenes perks to their followers. Creators can live-stream with their subscribers, post content on their public or private wall and stay in touch via Snapchat. Content creators can choose from various categories in which to submit content. 

In addition to live streaming and social platform functionalities, Veiws also comes with the possibility to create subscription plans. Creators can set up different types of membership options for their fans, including monthly, yearly and lifetime subscriptions. Fans can support their favourite creators by subscribing either to their livestream, Snapchat or profile wall. 

Technologies and architecture

Veiws was built using PHP and Laravel for the back-end and HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js for the front-end with an API architecture.

Main activities and responsibilities

Project planning and management, UI design, frontend development, backend development, testing, deployment.