JustNow stoppt Food Waste

Eine App, die hilft, unnötige Lebensmittelverschwendung zu vermeiden. Und Ihnen Lebensmittel zu den günstigsten Preisen besorgt.

Project story

We live in a world where, sadly, massive amounts of food are thrown away every day. To stop wasting food and help out both the environment and the community, we built JustNow. This app helps consumers find good food that would otherwise be thrown away. And the price is extremely low.

JustNow has three interconnected systems – the first one is the web app, through which the supermarkets add and manage their products and offers. Then we have the merchandiser’s app, that checks if the products are part of an offer. And, finally, the mobile app used by the consumer, available in both iOS and Android.

With the help of the application, the client navigates through the existing offers that are displayed as pins on a map. After finding out something that interests him, he then claims the offer and has to go to the shop’s location to benefit from it.

Technologies and architecture

JustNow was built using Laravel 5.2. We used Laravel Socialite for the Facebook and Google+ login and JSON Web Tokens for the API authentification. We have also worked with Firebase Cloud Messaging for the push notifications and built the front-end with the help of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap.

Main activities and responsibilities

Project planning and management, programming (front-end, back-end), graphic design, testing, deployment.