Fleet Management ERP

Ein komplexes Flottenmanagement-ERP, das von Grund auf neu geschaffen wurde. Ihr gesamter Fuhrpark wird jetzt per Touch und Klick gesteuert.

Project story

We’ve created a complex system for companies to easily manage their cars, costs and reports, as well as any third party providers. Besides an ERP, we`ve also built a mobile app, available for both Android and iOS. Together, they allow companies to aggregate their entire fleet data,  increase transparency and reduce operating costs. And everything is accounted for through reports which can be generated through one click.   

Through the web app, the admin can easily manage everything from adding cars and drivers to renewing registration numbers, schedule repairs and even set up insurance policies for the cars.

Using the mobile app, the driver can connect to his car and get all the information he needs. He can schedule service visits, pay fines, send messages through the integrated chat and even replace his car.

Technologies and architecture

We built this comprehensive system using, PHP and Laravel for back-end and HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js for the front-end.

Main activities and responsibilities

Project planning and management, UX design, app design, programming (front-end, back-end), testing, deployment.